[Fourlanders] Next Fourlanders Meeting March 19th

k4ea@contesting.com k4ea at contesting.com
Sat Mar 19 11:56:25 EST 2005


Sorry to say will miss the meeting tomorrow.  I have come down with a
cold/flu something that hit me hard yesterday.

Last weekend I did a physical inventory in the chicken coop.  Here is a
list of Fourlanders equipment in my possession: 

(5) Rohn 25 straight
(2) Rohn 25 Pointy top
30' 7/8" hardline w/connectors
(3) ~50' 1/2" hardline
(1) Dish with triband feed
(2) M2 17el 2m Yagi
(1) Extra DE for above
(2) Phasing lines for above (LMR 400)
    2M H frame pieces (2) horizontal and (1) vertical
(1) ~30' pushup mast
I think there is a HamX rotator, but I did not see it.  I will check
again in the morning.

Treasurer's report

Checking $75.58   Cash $5.00

I would be honored to serve as Treasurer and board member for another

Vhf Contests.  Sign my up for 6m.

Equipment Sale:  If the membership decides to sell any equipment, I
would be interested in the Rohn tower sections and the (2) M2 17el 2M

-----Original Message-----
From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim Worsham
Sent: February 27, 2005 23:24
To: fourlanders at contesting.com
Cc: k4sz at arrl.net
Subject: [Fourlanders] Next Fourlanders Meeting March 19th

The next meeting of the Fourlanders VHF/UHF/Microwave contest team will
at the Kennehoochee Hamfest in Marietta, GA on March 19th at 12 Noon.
directions and other hamfest info go to the following website
The meeting will be at the Applebee's, 475 Franklin Road.  This is right
of the 120 loop between I-75 and Southern Polytechnic (the location of
hamfest).  If you come to the hamfest on the 120 loop off of I-75 you
go by the Applebee's on the way to the hamfest.  If you need to call the

restaurant to get better directions their telephone number is
I plan to be at the restaurant at 11:30 to get us a large table.  I will

also have my HT with me monitoring 146.55 simplex.  The agenda for the 
meeting will be as follows:

1. Eat
2. Pay Dues ($30 for 2005)
3. Elect Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 5

board members.  If anyone is interested in being an officer let me know
I will fill you in on what the various positions involve.)
4. Discuss having Fourlanders shirts made
5. Discuss contest plans for June and September (Who is contesting and 
when?, Limited or Full Multi?,  Band Captains?, etc.)

I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.  If you have any
just let me know.  Thanks.

President and 432 Band Captain 

Fourlanders mailing list
Fourlanders at contesting.com
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