[Fourlanders] June Contest Stuff

Brian McCarthy rfacres at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 08:04:56 EDT 2006


Look for my answers after your questions...

On 6/5/06, Jim Worsham <wa4kxy at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> I spent some time this afternoon and evening getting the 144 MHz station
> together and doing some testing.  As a result I have several
> questions/issues.
> 1. I am going to use the Asus PC that I bought from Dick, K5AND.  It has
> writelog verion 10.54 installed.  Is that what we are going to use on the
> mountain?  If not, do I need to upgrade or downgrade?  I have version 10.45
> on CD (I have a license for that version) and can install that if necessary.
> If we decide to use some other version then someone is going to have to
> bring it to the mountain.  I also saw an email on the VHF reflector about a
> new version of the master.dta (super-check-partial) file being available.
> Should I download and install that?  Those of you who are writelog savy
> please advise.

I used 10.55d for all of my network testing after the September
contest. I would like to use that version. I will have the upgrade
file with me when we get to the mountain, or you can download it and
apply it yourself ahead of time from:


> 2. What are the plans for food?  Last I heard we might have someone cooking
> for us.  Is that still going to happen or do we need to bring our own?

I hope there is still a cook. We kind of need to know today or
tomorrow. Bob, any info?

> 3. Do I need to bring a table?  In the past I brought one of the big white
> tables but more times than not it didn't get used and when it did it was for
> cooking/eating.  Bob always supplied a table for me to operate on.  Are you
> going to do that again Bob?  If so and we don't need the big white table I
> would rather just leave it at home.

In "Great White" you will need a table. There were two there when I
looked last weekend. One of mine that I will use and another that is
either Neal's or Bob's.

> 4. Ron, do you need the 432 filter?
> 5. I am assuming at this time that all antennas and feedlines will be
> supplied for the 144 MHz station.  This includes both beams, phasing lines,
> power divider, feedline and rotator.  This also includes the dual band
> verticle and feedline for 144/440 MHz FM.  All of that stuff was supplied in
> the past and I just wanted to make sure that was still the case.

My "spare" (or second) 100' piece of 1/2" hardline is available.
Classsically, it has been  used for 2m. I have no problem with it
happening again. I am reserving one of my 10' pieces of 1/2" hardline
and my 100' run of 9913 for 222 horizontal and vertical respectively.
The 2m antennas were in the trailer also, but Bob Will need  to
confirm the phasing harnessand rotor.

I can bring my 144/222/440 vertical, FM tribander and triplexer. We
might want an extra feedline for it as I was planning on using a 4-el
beam for 220 vertical. I will pack it so that we have choices.

> That is all that I have for now.  If anyone needs me to bring something
> please let me know ASAP.  I have started packing.

Power distribution preparations are all butcomplete. There is one
power plug and short cable to connect into the power panel. The wire
iss expeced from Ivan, K4VJM. If there is a problem, there is an
alternate connection method.

I have the 6m antennas and harnesses. (Thank you Ron!)

I will have a Writelog server, all networking cables, ethernet hubs
and GPS clock as usual.

What elsse do we need to cover?


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