[Fourlanders] Fwd: Re: Beating the Bushes for Operators

Robin Midgett K4IDC at Comcast.net
Wed Oct 25 14:46:28 EDT 2006

Some of you who live much closer to Atlanta may want to take advantage of this.

>X-Originating-IP: []
>Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 16:21:42 +0000
>From: "Mark Herson, N2MH" <n2mh at verizon.net>
>Subject: Re: Beating the Bushes for Operators
>To: Robin Midgett <K4IDC at Comcast.net>
>User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)
>Hi Robin,
>Hope everything is well in Nashville...
>One of the local clubs in the Atlanta area has something every January
>(I think) called a "Techfest" where various technical aspects of the
>hobby are put on display/demonstrated, etc. You might consider doing
>your presentation there for the folks. My godson Ray, KI4GRJ, is the
>chairman of the event (I think). If you are interested, drop him an
>email and get yourself on the agenda. He can be reached at
>ray at sback.org
>His dad, Steve Back, WB2OGY, and I went to school together and both of
>us know Burnie, K2GJY from when he lived up here and then moved to
>Nashville. We visited him a couple of times after he moved.
>BTW, I have Maggie Valley listed in the N2MH RoveSite as a target for
>rovers to work. I've just recently added Google Maps to the web site, so
>you should check it out. And, if you have any rover operating sites that
>you would like to share, I'll be happy to include them.
>73, Mark, N2MH
>PS, using a secondary email account to send this message. Main account
>still n2mh at n2mh.net
>Robin Midgett wrote:
>  > Hi Folks,
>  > Concerning the Fourlanders efforts to attract operators for the
>contests, I'm willing to give presentations on the W4NH operations to
>the local radio clubs. The local clubs are always hungry for program
>content at the meetings, so perhaps I can help herd an op or two your
>way via a presentation.
>  > Photos, power point presentations, & video clips of past efforts
>would be very helpful. I have a few photos, I know some of you have many
>more, and Bob, I belive you have video footage in one format or another.
>Consider this a call for content...
>  > Additionally, the presentation could be posted on the website..
>  >
>  >
>  > Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, "I've lost my electron."
>  > The other says, "Are you sure?" The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive..."
>  >
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > Fourlanders mailing list
>  > Fourlanders at contesting.com
>  > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/fourlanders

Robin Midgett K4IDC
615-322-5836 office - rolls to pager
615-835-7699 pager
615-301-1642 home
K4IDC at comcast.net

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