[Fourlanders] FW: [VHFcontesting] Survey Results - Contest Software

Jim Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Mon Dec 24 01:05:43 EST 2007

I was going through some old emails on my computer tonight and found this
one.  I thought you guys might be interested.

Jim, W4KXY

-----Original Message-----
From: vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Rob Shapiro -
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 5:44 PM
To: pvrc at mailman.qth.net; vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu;
vhfcontesting at contesting.com; cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] Survey Results - Contest Software

Earlier this Fall, I queried the contest community regarding contest logging
software requirements for use at the W3SO mountaintop site in Altoona,
Pennsylvania.  W3SO currently utilizes CT but is looking to change.  The
requirements posed were as follows:
ARRL and CQ VHF contests to include ease of handling QSOs with rovers.
.           HF contests to include the Pennsylvania QSO Party
.           Windows or Windows-like operating system
.           Easy and reliable networking for up to 6 station positions
.           CW keying
.           Digital Voice Keying (if possible)
.           Minimization of cost (secondary to above requirements)
I received many replies to my query, addressing the requirements to various
degrees, from little to all.  The following is a summary of the
*	Handles the VHF contests.  Rovers are treated by just typing in
their call then modifying the grid as appropriate.  No need to type in
*	HF contests to include PA QSO Party
*	Supports computer networking
*	Windows plus use of function keys
*	CW keying
*	Uses sound card for voice keying but also W9XT and others
*	Cost - FREE
*	HF and VHF contests to include PA QSO Party
*	CT-like treatment of rovers, e.g. call/GRID
*	Computer networking
*	Windows
*	CW generation via parallel port with XP
*	Sound card for voice keying
*	Cost - US$75.  Additional $5 charge for the CD, no additional
charge for download via internet.
*	HF and VHF contests to include PA QSO Party.  Each contest
appears to be available as a separate downloadable module - not one
integrated software.  Please someone correct me in I'm wrong.
*	Cost - separate cost for each contest package or one price for
*	Says rover operation is supported but provides no details
*	Supports network operation
*	CW and voice keying supported
*	Windows
*	All VHF contests - no HF
*	Cost - FREE
*	Supports networked PCs
*	CW and voice keying
*	Interfaces with transceivers, rotors and GPS
Given the information I have, I am going to recommend to the W3SO crew that
we go with N1MM.  Supports our requirements plus is free.  We may also wish
to investigate RoverLog.  Would cost us nothing to do so and may have some
advantages over N1MM with the VHF contests.  Lot's of great feedback
regarding WriteLog, but does have a cost.
Regards, Rob  ND3A
VHFcontesting mailing list
VHFcontesting at contesting.com

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