[Fourlanders] FW: [WSVHF] [PNWVHFS] KP4AO Arecebo EME QRV NOW

Jim Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Mon Mar 22 20:14:25 PDT 2010

I am not sure if Arecibo is still on but apparently they are putting out a
BIG signal on 432 EME.  It might be worthwhile to see if you can hear them.

Jim, W4KXY

It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart
you are.  If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
Richard P. Feynman
-----Original Message-----
From: wsvhf-bounces at mailman.qth.net [mailto:wsvhf-bounces at mailman.qth.net]
On Behalf Of TdM LABs
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 10:39 PM
To: k7xc at charter.net
Cc: WSVHF Reflector; vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu; PNWVHFS
Subject: Re: [WSVHF] [PNWVHFS] KP4AO Arecebo EME QRV NOW

Handheld 2.5 wavelength yagi and FT817's were used at the high school 
down here to copy this large signal. Nice to have a big circular pol 
signal like that, hold the yagi "however you want" polarization. 
Seriously easy to copy. Was indicating on the little bargraph on the 
radio and copy in ssb mode, 2.7kHz b/w or so. It was a monster signal.

Too fun


T. M. wrote:
> QRV Now - 3-22-10 21:24Z
> KP4AO 432.045.60 CW - Arecebo Dish in Puerto Rico
> Easily heard with a single elevated 7wl K1FO Yagi, 75 feet of RG-8, 
> and no preamp.
> 73s de Tim - K7XC - DM09nm... sk
> "One who fears limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity 
> to more intelligently begin again." -Henry Ford

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