[Fourlanders] FW: FT817 Panadapter Boards

Jim Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Tue Dec 13 18:06:07 PST 2011

I am going to order a couple of the FT-817 Funcube Dongle boards from W1GHZ.
There is a slight discount if you order multiple boards so if anyone is
interested in anything let me know and I will order it.  I will probably
send the order out in the next few days so get back to me ASAP.



Jim, W4KXY



From: Paul Wade [mailto:w1ghz.arrl at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:51 AM
To: wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Subject: Re: FT817 Panadapter Boards


PC Board Price List for W1GHZ projects



_____  Panadapter for FT-817 and Funcube Dongle       $3.50

_____  Miniverter-F tiny 144M transverter for Flex-1500  $6
      see kits below

_____  Personal Beacon for 10 GHz                        $6

  Multiband Microwave Transverter for the Rover:
see http://www.w1ghz.org/new/Multiband_Rover_Transverter.pdf

____  Local Oscillator Board 720 or 756 MHz             $12

____  Transverter Board for 2304 or 3456 MHz            $10

____  Transverter Board for 1296 (right side up only)   $10

____  Local Oscillator Board 1152 MHz                   $12

____  Transverter Board for 902                         $10
____  LO Board + one transverter board (choice)         $20

____  LO Board + two transverter boards                 $29

____  LO Board + three transverter boards               $37

____  Relay board (pin and surface mount)                $3

Mixers from Minicircuits (only available with boards):

____  ADE-18W for 2304 and 3456                           $5

____  ADE-5 for 1296 or 902

   Small project boards:
see http://www.w1ghz.org/small_proj/small_proj.htm

____  Even more Fool-Resistant Conditional Sequencer    $11

____  Antenna Ratiometer or Handheld Network Analyzer   out of stock - see
kits below

____  LED Bargraph indicator - used with above        $4   

____  Fan controller - speed proportional to temperature $4

____  Tonemeter - audio tone proportional to voltage    $5 

____  Lossless Current Monitor                          $5

____  Single-LED Battery Voltage Monitor                        $4
____  Utility board for Op-amps and Comparators       $2.50

____  Simple, yet  "Fool-Resistant" Sequencer --     out of stock
                                             see kits below

____  222 MHz Transverter for the FT-817 (or SDR-1000) out of stock
        NOTE: Filter and Power Amp Module no longer available

____  Battery-sharing switch                             $5

____  Anderson PowerPole distribution board (4 or 5 pos)out
                    or elegant 6 position                $5

____  RF power detector board for LTC5508 (12 GHz, 30dB)  
      or LTC5534 (3 GHz, 60 db dynamic range)                              
$3, 2 for $5
---------                                              ----------
                        TOTALS                        $

Discounts on small project boards:
 Three or more boards total, $0.25 per board
 Ten or more boards total, $0.50 per board          - $


 US & Canada  $1 per order for 4 or fewer boards,     $ 
                free for 5 or more         

 Overseas     $2 per order                            $

                                             TOTAL    $

Send check and mailing label to:
  Paul Wade
  PO Box 35
  Cabot, VT 05647

or Paypal account wade at bicnet.net  then email copy to w1ghz at arrl.net

Kits are now available through Chuck Steer, WA3IAC for the following small
Bar graph, Fan controller, Sequencer, Low voltage monitor, Handheld Network
Email Chuck for pricing and avaiblity at chuckwa3iac at yahoo.com 

Kits for the Miniverter-F will be available from Down East
Microwave www.downeastmicrowave.com


On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 11:08 PM, Jim Worsham <wa4kxy at bellsouth.net> wrote:

How much for two of the boards shipped to 30519?  Bob, W4ZST and I plan to
use one on his FT817 for microwaves and the other on an FT2000 for 6 meters.
It looks like it should work.  We will let you know.



Jim, W4KXY


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