[Fourlanders] September Contest is ON!

Bob Lear w4zst at windstream.net
Thu Aug 9 15:20:34 PDT 2012

Well, after my kick-off note, I have heard from enough folks to make a 
quorum for the contest and have actually gotten almost everything 
planned now.

We will do the usual Four Band limited multi-op from Mile High.

Band Captains:  6m, Jim W4KXY; 2m, Scott NN4W; 222, Kos N4NIA & Bob 
W4ZST; and 432, Ron WW8RR.

Other operators:  Ivan K4VJM, Bill KI4US, Tom K4TJD, Jeff W0ONR, Kim 
WG8S, Dean K2JB, Paul W4SKI, Jerry W5TDY and maybe Brian NX9O.

Brian has graciously allowed me to use his truck to pull Great White and 
he will see if he can come up sometime over the weekend to operate with 
us.  It looks to me like we've got a large enough contingent of operators.

Trailer Pullers:  Bob W4ZST pulling Great White, Jim W4KXY pulling his 
2m tower trailer with the Golf Cart, Scott NN4W pulling his White 
trailer with the 222 mast and the food, Kos N4NIA pulling Ron's 432 
tower trailer, Bill KI4US pulling the 6m tower trailer, Ivan K4VJM 
pulling his Red 6m operating trailer, Ron WW8RR pulling the generator 
trailer and Tom K4TJD pulling his camper.

That should give us a good enough group for set-up as we will probably 
be joined by Dean K2JB on Friday and he will be cooking our Friday night 
dinner in the Dutch Ovens: Chicken Pot Pie and Cobbler!

Kim, Paul, Jerry and hopefully Brian will come up on Saturday.

Jerry W5TDY is bringing brisket for dinner Saturday night like he did in 
June, but this time with Potato Salad and Jeff will make some Cole Slaw 
to go with it.

Jeff will do the three breakfasts, two lunches and Sunday evening dinner 
for us, so we know that we won't be going hungry for sure.

I do want to get some information for the contest, both in and out.

1.  We will continue to use WriteLog 10.67b for the contest.  Everyone 
who has been having any problems, please spend time testing your 
stations to help solve those problems.

2.  We need a WriteLog server.  I don't think I have a suitable computer 
for that anymore so someone let me know what they have available so we 
will have a server.

3.  Do we have/need GPS time input?  If so, who has this equipment and 
is willing to bring it to the contest and get it set up?  Does it 
require another computer/server?  Who can ramrod this item for me?  Let 
me know.  Thanks

4.  Internet connection.  This is not my area.  Brian noted in his 
e-mail that we could borrow the special wireless router, but I don't 
know what else is normally used/required.  Will someone (Bill?) take the 
lead on this so that I don't have to worry about it.  Let me know.

5.  Any issues any of you might have, equipment that you might need to 
borrow, etc.  let's get the word out and get things taken care of.  Also 
any questions or suggestions you may have for me.  Thanks.

This should really get us going now.  73, Bob

BTW, we will have a work session at my QTH this Sunday morning starting 
at 10AM.  We will be taking down the 6m antennas and loading Great 
White, inventorying items to make sure we have all the antennas, 
feedlines, etc.  and whatever else needs to be done.

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