[Fourlanders] W4NH on for the January VHF Sweepstakes

James Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Sun Jan 8 19:33:10 PST 2012

The W4NH Fourlanders group will again be operating in the January VHF 
Sweepstakes on January 21-23 from our location near Dahlonega, Georgia in 
EM84ao.  We will be operating limited multi on 6 through 432 with 1 kw + and 
stacked beams on all 4 bands.  We are looking for scheds, especially 6 and 2 
meters WSJT (FSK441), late Saturday evening and Sunday morning.  Please contact 
me directly if you are interested in setting something up.  Thanks.

Jim, W4KXY

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