[Fourlanders] Fwd: G3WOS's 2019 6M BBQ - August 10th 2019

Jim Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Sun Jan 13 22:50:37 EST 2019

I received this email today.  Anyone interested in a trip to the other side of the pond to BS about 6M?

Jim, W4KXY

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: <chris at gare.co.uk>
> Date: January 13, 2019 at 11:15:18 AM EST
> To: <wa4kxy at bellsouth.net>
> Subject: G3WOS's 2019 6M BBQ - August 10th 2019
> G3WOS's 2019 6M / 50MHz BBQ
> - in conjunction with the UKSMG -
> http://www.gare.co.uk/bbq2019.htm
> My apologies if you have already received this email.
> After the great success of all the previous 6M BBQs, I am holding another on Saturday 10th August 2019 in Farnborough, Hampshire UK  - so make a note in your diary and let me know if you wish to attend.
> Take a look at the 2005 BBQ web site if you want to see what it’s all about. As we have always had a good number of non-UK 6m hams attend, I am sending this now so that you can plan your summer around the event by visiting the UK!
> There will be plenty of food and drink, lots of 6m guys to talk to and argue with and XYLs are positively encouraged! I hope that we will see an even better turn out of non-UK 6m enthusiasts. For those wanting to stay over on Friday night, many will be able to stay in the same hotel (The Falcon as in 2017) and I will organise another great 6m dinner for the Friday evening!
> There will be several interesting talks to help pass the long hot summer day...
> The cost of the BBQ is 25 UK Pounds and will need to be paid in advance of the event.
> I know it's a long way off, but if you are interested in attending PLEASE send me an email stating your level of interest. If I don't hear from you then I could assume there is no interest!
> 73 Chris G3WOS - chris at gare.co.uk
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