[Fourlanders] EL59 Activation Recap

Jeff Townsend wb8lyj at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 17:41:30 EDT 2021

Band	Mode	
6m		FT8		29
		MSK144	46
		Q65		3
 		Total	78

2m		FT8		1
		MKS144	15
		Q65		1
		Total	17

I filled in the blank for a few FFMA chasers.

I was only able to work one station beyond MS range.
I worked N1AV in Arizona on FT8 during a short E opening and almost worked N7IR.
The opening closed before Gary and I could complete.

After some recent changes I had a few things that didn’t work right which kept me off 222.

I tried several contacts on 432 without any results.

The Hepburn forecast showed ducting on Saturday morning which never materialized.

On my way home Sunday I detoured up I-59 and hopped off to activate EM51 on 6m for Dave KG5CCI.
I got to play with Q65 for the first time with some interesting results.

Jeff Townsend

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