[Fourlanders] Fwd: [Special] [FrontRange6Meter] Zoom Presentation SDR Console (Part 2) "Optimizing Digital Receive Performance Using SDRs and SDR Console Software" Wednesday May 19th 18:30 MDST (00:30 UTC May 20th)

Bob Lear w4zst at windstream.net
Tue May 18 17:30:56 EDT 2021

Here is the second half of the presentation about using SDR Console.  I 
thought it was next week, but it is tomorrow 5/19, 9PM our time.  It 
will also be recorded and put on YouTube after.  Bob

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Subject: 	[Special] [FrontRange6Meter] Zoom Presentation SDR Console 
(Part 2) "Optimizing Digital Receive Performance Using SDRs and SDR 
Console Software" Wednesday May 19th 18:30 MDST (00:30 UTC May 20th)
Date: 	Tue, 18 May 2021 12:56:52 -0700
From: 	Paul NO0T <sobonpaul at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	FrontRange6Meter at groups.io
To: 	FrontRange6Meter at groups.io

In this Zoom presentation, Hasan N0AN will be giving us a great 
talk/demo on SDR Console - the set up and optimization for weak signal 
digital modes.  For those wanting to install and set up SDR Console - 
this is your opportunity to get your SDR optimized for FT8/MSK144/Q65 on 
6 Meters and other VHF/UHF frequencies.   These techniques for 
optimizing an SDR with SDR Console can also be applied to the low bands.

Please join the Front Range 6 Meter Group to a scheduled Zoom meeting - 
details as follows.  The Zoom will open at 18:30 MDST May 19 (00:30 UTC 
May 20) and the presentation will commence 30 minutes later.    This 
will be recorded and posted on our YouTube channel afterwards for those 
who could not attend :
Join Zoom Meeting

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Meeting ID: 895 9647 7149
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Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdMaszJ0Qy 

73 Paul NO0T
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