[FRC] FT-1000MP Mk5 Field

k2qmf@juno.com k2qmf@juno.com
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 11:51:00 -0400

Hello All,

Just purchased a new Mk-5 Field while I was at Dayton.
I am still getting used to it but it sure is a great radio.
I have one problem, or question, that someone may be able to
help with.

With two 500Hz filters in and NAR1 turned on for the second
filter.  When I operate full CW QSK there is a very noticeable click
every time the rig switches back to receive.  In fact it happens when I
release the MOX button after pushing it in even without sending any CW!!
If I switch to NOR instead of NAR1 the click is gone!!
You have to turn the AF Gain up a bit to really hear it and it is more
noticeable when the band is quiet.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.  It is kind of annoying to listen
to that click when sending CW in BK-IN mode.

73,  Ted  K2QMF

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