[Hooper] Hooper DNA Project Update

WadeGlasck@aol.com WadeGlasck@aol.com
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 19:44:45 EDT

Hello Hoopers,

I'm posting this to most of the Hooper boards and mailing lists.  If you know 
someone that would like to see this message that is not on the lists please 
forward it to them.

The Hooper DNA project is just over two weeks old.  We now have 14 men who 
have ordered their tests and a few more that are still considering it.  Thus 
far the lines that are represented all have roots in the southeastern U.S.  
There is a mixture of lines.  Some of them are fairly well established and 
others are true mysteries.  Hopefully some of the mysteries can be disspelled 
by this testing.
Most of you should be receiving your kits soon if you haven't already gotten 
them.  Once the lab receives your kit it will take 4 to 6 weeks before you'll 
see results.  If you ordered the 25 marker test, then you'll receive results 
on the first 12 markers first and then about a week to 10 days you'll get the 
results from the other 13 markers.  Your results will be reported to you on 
your own page on the Family Tree DNA website.  Direct comparison of the 
results will be somewhat awkward with everyone's results spread around.  I 
built a little website at  <A HREF="http://hometown.aol.com/wadeglasck/index.html">Hooper Genetic Genealogy Page</A>  for the project.  
As you can see the webpage is not very sophisticated.  Web design is 
definitely not one of my skills.  If one or more of you have the time and 
skills to build a page that we can use for our project, I'd really appreciate 
if you'd take charge of doing a webpage.
For those of you that ordered the 12 marker kit.  When you get your results 
you'll know if there is a possibility that you are related to whomever you 
were hoping to connect with.  If you do match then confirmation of the 
results by upgrading to the 25 marker test will be necessary.  To upgrade 
will not require sending in another sample.  The lab will rerun your original 
sample and extract the remaining 13 markers.  Of course, rerunning the test 
costs another $90.
For those of you who haven't yet joined the project. Family Tree DNA has 
added a new feature that will make ordering easier.  Just go to the website  <A HREF="http://www.familytreedna.com/index.html">
Family Tree DNA - we do genetic tests for your genealogy questions!</A> and 
follow the Surname Project links.  Eventually you will arrive at the Hooper 
project link.  From there you click on the join link.  This will generate an 
e-mail to the project administrator (me) who will send back a message with a 
link and code that will enable you to order tests for your self.
I think I've covered most of what I wanted to say.
Take care.

Wade Glascock

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