[Hooper] George Washington Thomas Hooper

Clay Hooper clayhooper at sbcglobal.net
Sun Apr 8 13:19:47 EDT 2007

Hi Shonia ~

I'm forwarding your message to the Hooper Mailing Lists.  Anyone 
recognize this Hooper family?  If so, please reply to Shonia at 
<vettsmail at yahoo.com> rather than to me.

~ Clay

Shonia wrote:

> Hi Clay,
> I just wanted to say that your website is great.   I am decended from 
> George Washington Thomas Hooper & Rachel Hooper (maiden name Rachel 
> Lawhorn)  they had 8 children...2 of which I know.  My aunt Maybell 
> Hooper was born 9/3/20 (married Jack Powell, and had 3 girls: Dorothy, 
> Minnie Pearl, and Wanda (Wanda was killed at 18 or 19)) and my father 
> Travis Lee Hooper born 1/2/27 (Married Joyce and had 5 children: 
> Shirley, Carolyn, Travis Mitchell, Rickey Thomas, and Me). 
> Are you familiar with my line?
> I would love to hear from you.
> Shonia

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