[kids] Kids day log and comments

Linda L. Reichert linda@ptolemy.la.asu.edu
Mon, 23 Jun 97 21:34:12 -0700

>From N7LR, Linda Reichert:  Another great contest!  Natalie remembered a
contact with Elissa last year, but we didn't keep a log that time...This
year Rebecca felt bolder and made some contacts of her own (we had a
couple of wrestling matches over control of the microphone).   Alas,
the girls craved each other's company more than fame, glory, or contest
points; after an hour they declared that they'd had fun, but wanted
to go and play "for a while" never to return.  Natalie, KC7FWM,  just
upgraded from Novice to Tech Plus; maybe next year she can be control
operator for Rebecca!

Operator: Natalie (exchange: age 10, AZ, green)

Time	Frequency	Station	Operator	Exchange
1818	14.296		K9IG	Elissa		age 7, IN, purple
1847	14.285		N5YY	Emily		age 10, TX, purple
1902	14.288		N5UR	Alan            age 6, TX, everything
1904    14.288          KC5DRH  Mike            age 50, TX, orange
1922    14.277          KB7RTA  Alex            age 12, OR, red
1923    14.277          KB7RTA  Jack            age 10, OR, navy blue

Operator: Rebecca (exchange: age 5, AZ, orange)

Time    Frequency       Station Operator        Exchange
1827    14.296          K9IG    Elissa          age 7, IN, purple
1856    14.285          N5YY    Emily           age 10, TX, purple
1859    14.288          N5UR    Alan            age 6, TX, everything
1925    14.277          KB7RTA  Jack            age 10, TX, blue

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Submissions:              kids@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  kids-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-kids@contesting.com