[kids] N5NU Kids Day

Jason Goldsberry n5nu@inu.net
Mon, 03 Jan 2000 12:01:55 -0600

  I just played around in kids day for a bit.  It's always fun even though
I don't sound like a kid any more.  My friend who sometimes works the
contest with me was gone so I did it solo.  Totals...

107 QSOs in about 2 1/2 hours.  Worked 51 one hour I think.  

  I had gotten up at 8 PM the night before and was tired, so I pulled the
plug around 3:30 PM.  My microphone broke half way through for no appearant

  My appologies for any QRM that I made.  Several stations commented that I
was wide and splattering.  Not intended. 

73, Jason N5NU

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