[Kids] First ARRL Kids Day 2003

Gerhard R. Wittreich gerhard@wittreich.org
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 15:48:29 -0500

This was our first ARRL Kids day.  My son is 6 years old.  We operated on
20M, 15M, 10M and locally on 2M repeaters.  We made 7 contacts with at
least one on each band.  It was mostly a good experience.  I used a
picture/letter based script (My son does not yet read.) to help him with
the exchange and the call sign.  The most difficult part was the downtime
between contacts...It was hard to channel his energy and keep him
interested.  Next time I will look for something to for him to do between
contacts...Or I could get a 100' tower and a large array so there will be
no downtime between contacts!!!

Thanks to the several amateurs that gave me some encouragement and advise
prior to the event.  We'll be there again in June.

--Gerhard, N3PL

Callsign   Date     UTC    Freq   Name      QTH         Age   Color  Band
-------- --------   ---- ------   -------  ------------ ---   -----  ----
WF7N     04-Jan-03  1855  28.385  Racheal  Bend, OR       12   Blue   10M
VA3HHH   04-Jan-03  1907  14.215  Marcel   Ont, Canada    11   Blue   20M
N3YXT    04-Jan-03  2200 146.730  Gurney   Dover, DE                  20M
KI7E     04-Jan-03  2200 146.625  Jan      Pennsville, NJ 55   Red     2M
WA3PJI   04-Jan-03  2200 146.730  Marty    Wilm, DE            Green   2M
W5IFP    04-Jan-03  2243  21.387  Jason    TX             10   Blue   15M
K6RV     04-Jan-03  2307  21.402  Deborah  Alamo, CA      46   Turq   15M