[Kids] Thoughts on Kid's day

Tree tree at kkn.net
Thu Jan 11 12:56:06 EST 2007

On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 10:26:58AM -0600, Frank Krizan wrote:

> I didn't think Kid's Day was a "contest".  It's just allowing kids to talk
> with other kids.  Scouts talk with other scouts, especially on JOTA.  We've
> used the WARC bands a lot for GOTA (Guides on the Air) the third weekend of
> February.  Nice clear freqs which often are more stable than 20m.
> Since the ARRL sanctions this event, I would hope they would pipe in and
> comment.

Piping in.

Well - this isn't the ARRL - but the Boring Amateur Radio Club...  and I guess
we have some role in defining what Kid's Day was - at some time or another.

Our role is greatly diminished at this point and it isn't totally clear to
me who is driving the train at the ARRL with respect to this contest.  But,
we can find out.

This forum was established a long time ago - and I had intended for it to 
be replaced with this:


I am surprised that the Kids Day events are not listed here - so I will ask
the ARRL what the story is.

Your other ideas are good ones.  Yes - use the WARC bands if you want.  

Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net

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