[Kids] Kid's Day Station, KI6LZN, Operating on June 21, 2008 (IRLP Node 7870)

David White drwhite at envirosolve.com
Thu Jun 19 13:57:09 EDT 2008



This Saturday June 21, 2008 KI6LZN will be operating a Kid's Day station
from a local park in northern San Diego, California, USA.  


KI6LZN is a 7th grader and has invited local middle school students to
participate and learn about ham radio.


The station will be operating from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Pacific time (18:00
GMT to 20:00 GMT).


Unfortunately  we will not have a low band station, but will be operating on
2 meters and 70 centimeters. We are planning on monitoring IRLP node 7870,


Depending on the amount of traffic on IRLP, we may move over to the 9255
reflector in Las Vegas.


If you have access to IRLP, please give our station a call. The intent is to
give the kids with their ticket operating experience and to expose middle
school kids to ham radio.





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