[Mldxcc] WPX SSB - WX6V - Multi-One

Jim Venneman wx6v at msn.com
Mon Mar 29 10:27:12 EST 2004


Here's the WPX SSB results for WX6V operating at W6SR as a Multi-One:

Band 	QSOs 	QSO points	Prefixes	Score:
160m: 	   0		   0
80m: 	 103	170	  26
40m:	 212	955	  56
20m:	 792	1381	 337
15m:	 564	1148	 225
10m:	 220	388	  63
Totals:	1,891	4,042	707	2,857,694

Club: Mother Lode DX & Contest Club - (score will go towards NCCC effort)

We had a fun weekend operating at W6SR's QTH in Placerville. The MLDXCC crew 
on hand included (in no particular order) W6SR, KG6CMS, KI6CG, NU6T, K6LRN, 
K6TKD, and WX6V. I want to thank Rick & Karen Samoian for being great hosts 
to our group. Karen served up some great meals that kept our energy levels 

Interesting experiences:
We ran into some Writelog issues about 500 contacts into the contest 
regarding serial numbers assigned to the Mult station. When we fixed the 
problem, the program automatically re-assigned the serial numbers sent for 
our first 500 or so QSOs! Oh Brother!! Looks like a long letter will be in 
the making to explain this to the folks at CQ. We had another Writelog 
program error occur in the middle of the night (naturally) early Sunday 
morning which caused the program to shut down and required a reboot of the 
entire system. Fortunately, it doesn't appear that any Qs were lost in the 
process of all this. Bottom line is that while all of the system bugs 
haven't been ironed out of Writelog yet, we still prefer using a 
Windows-based program over a DOS-based program any day. The ability to 
"click and fix" on the fly was a great help in the heat of the contest. We 
also had to deal with some RF getting into the phone line at times on 80 
meters which caused our packet system to periodically disconnect. A few 
ferrites in the appropriate places solved this problem.

This whole operation came together at the last minute on Thursday. Up to 
then, it looked like we were going to do a few single-band operations at 
W6SR. However, a plea over the e-mail system provided some additional 
operators that made this group effort possible.

The important thing, though, was that we all had fun. See ya in two months 
for the CW weekend.

Jim  -WX6V-

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