[Mldxcc] WW Club competition

Robert Hess w1rh at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 11 20:49:11 EST 2012


I thought Shirl said he would take this on, but we might have been talking about SS.


 From: Dick Wilson <k6lrn12 at gmail.com>
To: mother lode dx club <mldxcc at contesting.com> 
Cc: Robert Hess <w1rh at yahoo.com>; wc6h <wc6h at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 6:49 PM
Subject: WW Club competition

Don't remember if anyone was assigned, volunteered or was otherwise coerced
into gathering info for club competition. 
If no-one wants to tackle this, I will send in the list from the
    club's website. 
There is no mention here of deadline, I'm guessing info needs to be
    in by deadline
for CW, about Nov. 30. 
Not sure if I am receiving posts to MLDXCC reflector as my posts are
    not coming back.
Good luck in 'test...holiday greetings of your choice...73, 


>1. The club must be a local group and not a national organization. 
>2. Participation is limited to club members living within a local geographic area defined as within a 275 km radius from the center of club area (except for DXpeditions conducted by members living within the defined club geographic area). Club contributions from DXpedition scores are a percentage of the number of club members on the DXpedition. 
>3. To be listed, a minimum of three logs (combined phone and CW) must be received from a club, and an officer of the club must submit a list of eligible members for each contest. 

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