[Mldxcc] (no subject)

Robert Hess w1rh at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 16 19:55:12 EST 2012

Hello MLDXCC'ers,

This coming weekend is ARRL Sweepstakes Phone.  As I mentioned prior to SS CW, this was once a NCCC "Focus" contest but NCCC has moved on to focus on other contests, at least for now.  According to Norm's score sheet, on the website, we did 952K in SS CW?  If so, duplicating that score in SS Phone would put us at the top of the heap in the Medium Club category.  Am I dreaming, or is this a real possibility?  

By the way, even if your score goes to MLDXCC, it still qualifies for the NCCC Intra-Club Competition.

From my previous email:

For our new members, SS is a unique contest in at least two ways.  The exchange and the rules.  The exchange involves the last two digits of the year you were licensed (check), your Precedence (power), your own call sign, and your ARRL section.  There is a boatload of potential for error if you copy the exchange wrong.  The rules require that you only work someone once; not once on each band, but ONCE PERIOD!  This can limit the amount of contacts you can make and can cause Sunday to get pretty darn slow for the real serious guys who ended up working 80% of their contacts on Saturday.  Contesters seem to either love or hate this contest for those two reasons, yet the bands continues to be packed each year during SS.

Because of the "work-'em-only-once" rule, a new station popping up on Sunday can end being "rare DX", or "new meat", for the guys who think they have worked everyone.  If you only have an hour or two to get on the air, you can have a lot of fun late in the contest calling CQ.   

Sweepstakes starts at 1 PM on Saturday and ends at 5 PM on Sunday.   

So, if you feel inclined, get on the air, have a good time, and turn in your log on behalf of MLDXCC.

I'll be on and should be good for 100K+


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