[Mldxcc] FW: 2014 DX Convention

Steve Dyer W1SRD w1srd at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 23 00:34:43 EDT 2013

He said nothing about it being a fund raiser for SCDXCC.
Let's get the facts straight first before anyone reacts with a flame mail.
> Make the first comment:
> I find it incredulous that a representative of the SCDXCC stood up and
> announced to the assembled attendees of the 2013 International DX
> Convention, that the 2014 DX Convention would be fund raiser event for the
> benefit of the SCDXC.
> Cut and paste does exactly that, I'm a slow learner.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mldxcc [mailto:mldxcc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of w6de
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 03:46
> To: mldxcc at contesting.com
> Subject: [Mldxcc] 2014 DX Convention
> I find it incredulous that a representative of your Club stood up and
> announced to the assembled attendees of the 2013 International DX
> Convention, that the 2014 DX Convention would be fund raiser event for the
> benefit of the SCDXC.
> If the SCDXC actually follows through, his words will haunt them.  They will
> lose all their goodwill with the current set of manufacturers and vendors
> who donate to the DX Convention. Why should these companies sponsor an event
> to build the treasury of the SCDXC?  In order to avoid the taint of the bad
> press that will come from this, the Northern California Clubs will need to
> distance themselves from the SCDXC if they want support from these
> companies.
> I urge the individual members of the MLDXCC to write to the SCDXC and ask
> them to not go back to a second rate hotel for what is supposed to be a
> premier event.  Time is of the essence here, the SCDXC president said they
> hope to have the agreements finalized in the next two weeks.
> Dave, w6de
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------
> Here is the email I sent yesterday to the SCDXC.
> To: secretary at scdxc.org
> Members of the Southern California DX Club:
> I find it incredulous that a representative of your Club stood up and
> announced to the assembled attendees of the 2013 International DX
> Convention, that the 2014 DX Convention would be fund raiser event for the
> benefit of the SCDXC.
> I believe it was your president who stood up and said the SCDXC would not
> pay the City Of Visalia for the use of the Convention Center nor would they
> pay the higher fees Marriott charged for serving us. He then went on to say
> that the SOCAL DX Club needed the money for its own purposes.
> Is this how you want to be known to the DX World?
> I respectfully ask that you reconsider your position and that you would
> consider restating your mission something along the lines of: growing the
> International DX Convention into The Premier DX Gathering.  Please don't
> take this event backwards.
> Respectfully,
> Dave, W6DE
> I am not speaking for, but I am a member of the Mother Lode DX and Contest
> Club.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
> With his permission, here is a copy of the email my brother sent to the
> SCDXC. He is more eloquent than I was.
> Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 1:34 PM
> To: 'secretary at scdxc.org'
> Subject: Visalia DX Convention
> An open letter to the membership of the Southern California DX Club
> Folks,
> I just spent the weekend at the Visalia International DX Convention. I had a
> wonderful time and the venue was excellent. As an attendee I couldn't find
> fault with the entire set up or service.
> The ability to walk to many available restaurants AND to a bank (dare I
> mention a Baskin Robins) in a safe and pleasant downtown environment made
> the experience even that much more enjoyable.
> The event has outgrown the Holiday Inn, period. Both in amenities and space.
> The vendor space at this year's venue allowed conversation and it wasn't a
> sweat box. The available meeting rooms allowed an extended program
> offerings. The courtyard was much nicer than eating my BBQ lunch in a
> parking lot to say nothing of the attitude adjustment sessions. The Banquet
> seating allowed room for you to leave the room with tables spaced wide
> enough for ingress/egress without having to pick a particular path or
> disturb anyone. The Air Conditioning was sufficient to keep the room
> comfortable and the service was excellent.
> During the morning breakfast your President all but said we weren't coming
> back for financial reasons or to the effect that next year's event was a
> fund raiser for the Southern California DX Club.
> First, I was one of the folks who got booted out of the RV parking. I sucked
> it up and still came. Even coming from Bakersfield my fuel cost would easily
> equal one night at the host hotel.
> This event is NOT an RV get together OR the Southern California DX Club's
> Fund Raiser! The goal should be to put on a premier event without LOSING
> money.
> Please consider that we have international guests that deserve to attend a
> first rate event. Their cost to come to California and attend this event far
> exceed anyone from SoCal or NorCal. To go backwards and return to a second
> rate venue is only a step away from taking the INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION
> from a premier event to a second rate event.
> Respectfully,
> Greg Engle
> NZ6E
> 10+ year attendee (first in 1988)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------
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