[Mldxcc] FW: 2014 DX Convention

w6de w6de at tealpond.com
Tue Apr 23 00:54:23 EDT 2013

You are correct Steve, he did not say it was a fund raiser, he said they
needed the money for the treasury (and then dropped his voice and I believe
he said something about other purposes).


-----Original Message-----
From: Mldxcc [mailto:mldxcc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Steve Dyer
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 04:35
To: mldxcc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Mldxcc] FW: 2014 DX Convention

He said nothing about it being a fund raiser for SCDXCC.
Let's get the facts straight first before anyone reacts with a flame mail.
> Make the first comment:
> I find it incredulous that a representative of the SCDXCC stood up and 
> announced to the assembled attendees of the 2013 International DX 
> Convention, that the 2014 DX Convention would be fund raiser event for 
> the benefit of the SCDXC.
> Cut and paste does exactly that, I'm a slow learner.
> Dave

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