[Mldxcc] Smaller stations can work FT4TA 40 meters

w6de w6de at tealpond.com
Thu Nov 6 13:46:45 EST 2014

I was able to work FT4TA this morning 14:55 GMT (just before 7:00 AM local
time), Thursday 6 November.  The op was calling for NA and, amazingly, I worked
him on my second call.  I worked him with my 40 meter vertical (an HF-2V) on an
eight radial system.  But, I was running about 800 Watts.  Those of you with
wire antennas and/or a vertical and a small amplifier should have no
problem-give it a try.  They hear really good, so don't be discouraged by a weak
signal in the noise.  On neither of my contacts was this DX moving my S-meter.


This is the second contact I have made with this DXpedition.  For both contacts
the pile-ups were relatively narrow (5 KHZ on 17 meters and 2 KHz on 40 meters).
This morning on 40, I placed my signal just above the bigger part of the pile-up
@ 2 KHz up from his signal.  


This operation does not necessarily pattern sweep the pile-up (e.g., does not
start at bottom and work up or vice versa), because of the size of the pile ups
they have been jumping around to the holes in the pile-up.  Now, this requires a
radio with a band scope to see this on both ends of the QSO.  But, if you have
one on your end it will help immensely. 


Dave, w6de


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