[Mldxcc] FT4TA - West Coast Pilot Update #4 - The Remaining 72 Hours

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 16:10:37 EST 2014

Latest Update:

• 60,000 QSOs --  27% Unique callsigns.  https://secure.clublog.org/charts/?c=ft4ta
• % Qs by Band:  10M = 21%, 12M = 18%, 15M = 19%,  17M = 15%, 20M = 10%
• % Qs by Continent:  Europe = 59%; North America = 25%

For the coming 3 days, the FT4TA team wants to focus on stations looking for Tromelin for an All Time New One (ATNO).  Even though they've done their best to give opportunities to everyone, there’s still a lot of work to do.  If you are already in the log -- Congratulations.  To help your fellow DXers who still need to work FT4TA, please demonstrate your true Ham Spirit by trying to resist upping your Band-Mode count this weekend.  

17M and 20M
17M and 20m are the best bands for an ATNO and they will try to keep 2 stations on those bands. I've asked them to look for the Long Path opening to the West Coast between 0200-0400 UTC on 20M, 17M, and/or 15M tonight and tomorrow night.

There have been few if any 160M QSOs on the West Coast, but they'll keep trying.
The guys did a great job this morning on 80M CW.  Many new QSOs in the log.  Listen again tomorrow morning from 1415-1500 for 80M CW. 
For the last three mornings, they also have had strong signals on 40M CW starting just before their sunset, and at our sunrise 1400-1500 UTC.

I have asked them to operate on 10M CW for the next two mornings.  The Band should open around 1430-1530 for a few hours.  They were loud this morning on 10M.  This is a good option for smaller stations to catch a QSO.  

Rapid QSY To Other Band
Because of the incessant QRMing and jamming everywhere, the operators have to send a callsign up to 10X for each station which really slows down the rate.  To avoid losing valuable time, they have had to QSY to another Band.....sometimes without letting the pileup know....unfortunately.

They aren't having any major problems.  Each time they upload logs, via Satellite Phone it just takes time.  If you happen to be checking ClubLog during that period, you'll probably see some see missing QSOs or some other artifact.  Not to worry.  The logs are intact and ClubLog will eventually refresh properly.

The team will start dismantling antennas on Sunday evening to get ready for their departure on Monday morning (0900 local).  Estimated QRT Time is 0100Z on Monday = 5:00 PM Sunday evening for the West Coast.  Plan accordingly.

Busted QSOs
If you think they've busted your call during a QSO, please follow these instructions:
After the DXpedition, please send a note to the Team Leader via this form.  http://www.tromelin2014.com/en/contact-us/
Give them all the QSO details, especially Date, Time, Band, Mode.  They will correct the busted call in their log, and re-upload it to ClubLog + LOTW so your QSO will match theirs in both places.

I hope by now you have logged them on at least one Band-Mode.  If not keep trying.

And once again, if you have a particular helpful request for the FT4TA Team......please let me know.

John Miller, K6MM
FT4TA West Coast Pilot

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