[Mldxcc] spotting

Norm Wilson n6jv at comcast.net
Wed Nov 19 20:27:56 EST 2014

I only use N1MM so am not familiar with these other logging programs.

In N1MM, the packet spots scroll and you can pick out calls you are
interested in, but it also has a band map where the spots are shown by
frequency.  You don't need to pay attention to the packet spots as  you
start at one end of the band and pick off new stations in rapid order.  The
stations you work will change color so you can skip them the next time.
After two passes across a band, I change bands and do it again.  Towards
the end of a contest when you are running out of spots, you can request all
spots on the band you are on and it will give you the last 20 or so.  You
can spot anything new.  You need all the speed you can get on packet so it
keeps filling the band map.

Good luck,

N6JV at N6JV.com
http://N6JV.com  (MUSEUM)

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