[Mldxcc] CQP 2015 (50th Anniversary) & CQP RTTY

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 15:20:08 EDT 2014

Next year -- 2015 -- is the 50th Anniversary of CQP.

Some of us are already thinking about how to make this a Memorable = Fun event by introducing new special Awards to celebrate CQP 50, using APRS for real-time tracking of mobile stations, and leveraging more remote station operations.

Introducing CQP 50 with CQP RTTY in May or June could be a great way to start the celebration.  However, getting all 58 counties on the air again for CQP RTTY will be a challenge -- in some ways more challenging than managing the pre- and post-contest admin stuff -- but overall, still worth considering.  Good thought, Jeff.

John, K6MM

On Sep 30, 2014, at 11:20 AM, Jeff Stai wrote:

> There are actually many state QSO parties that include digital as a mode. Some of them outright as a three mode contest, but a few others lump digital in with CW and count them as the same (you can make the contact with a station on a band via RTTY or CW but not both). Yes, I looked, spreadsheet available on request.
> The conundrum is that the CQP is too big to throw another mode into the October event. A springtime event seems like a good option - May or June - but then we'd be asking the NCCC and our CQP volunteers to admin two contests and that could be too much.
> - jeff wk6i
> From: Jeff Stai <wk6i.jeff at gmail.com>
> To: MLDXCC <mldxcc at contesting.com>; NCCC <nccc at contesting.com> 
> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 11:27 AM
> Subject: [NCCC] Fwd: CQ WW RTTY W7RN(WK6I) SOAB HP
> I worked enough CA stations to justify a RTTY CQP in May. Just saying. ;) 73 jeff wk6i

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