[Mldxcc] Was: K1N Now: RTTY

Rick WA6NHC wa6nhc at comcast.net
Tue Feb 17 22:18:00 EST 2015

One more 'cute' trick that can be used with a second receiver is to feed 
the audio to DM-780, a program within the HRD suite.  One of the 
features of DM-780 is that using "SuperSweeper" you can decode much like 
CW Skimmer, but in ANY digital mode, so you can see all of the QSO's in 
progress scroll across your audio spectrum.

So not only could you see on the panadapter, you could watch the text 
scroll by for "599" or similar.

I've used this feature, but not in this manner.  The more streams you 
want to decode at the same time, the more processing power is needed.

Standard Caveat: I have no pecuniary interest but I am a HRD beta 
tester, always running the latest evolution.

Rick nhc

PS The TI9 crew is currently on PSK mode on 20 meters (can't hear them 
now, but others are working them).  A non-standard and interesting 
approach to the digital mode.  Alas on 40, as per usual, they're 
favoring EU much of the time.  They're also taking more breaks than...  
well you figure it out.  Tiny bladders?

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