[Mldxcc] Dipole VSWR

Emileigh Starbrook estarbrook at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 18:28:37 EDT 2015

This is going to sound like I am crazy, but I have noticed something that
is troubling on one hand and curious to say the least.  What I have noticed
since spring is the antenna height where the optimum VSWR for my dipole has
been dropping - a lot.  20m now bottoms out at 1:1.1 roughly 8 feet lower,
15M has dropped about 10 feet.

Is this being caused by a drop in the water table?  The ground here is
extremely dessicated.  My yard doesn't have grass - it's zeroscaped with
succulents that are drip watered (about 1/2 gallon per week) so I'm not
putting water on/into the ground.

Emily N1DID

"There are two ways to be fooled.  One is to believe what isn't true; the
other is to disbelieve what is true."
- Soren Kierkegaard

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