[Mldxcc] VP8STI on 160 Get READY!

Rick WA6NHC wa6nhc at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 20:49:17 EST 2016

I'm hearing 5's and 7's calling.. but I'm not hearing the DX yet... up 
1-10 KHz seems to be the rule...  give it a shot!

Good hunting...

Rick nhc

On 1/20/2016 4:05 PM, Rick WA6NHC wrote:
> Heads up!  It's too early for West Coast, but VP8STI is now on 1.826 
> working EU and loudly heard on the east coast.  You have about 3 hours 
> to throw something together.
> My RTTY Q did not make the log after all, so I'm at 3 Qs so far (one 
> was phone with Paul N6PSE, confirmed already).
> On the other pond, I made my 13th slot for Palmyra.
> Good hunting,
> Rick NHC

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