[Mldxcc] Fwd: [NCDXC Chat] Kosovo, Z6, in WPX this weekend

Rick WA6NHC wa6nhc at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 17:33:51 EDT 2016

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Subject: 	[NCDXC Chat] Kosovo, Z6, in WPX this weekend
Date: 	Wed, 23 Mar 2016 20:09:15 +0000 (UTC)
From: 	Charles K. Epps via Chat <chat at ncdxc.org>
Reply-To: 	Charles K. Epps <w6oat at sbcglobal.net>
To: 	NCCC Reflector <nccc at contesting.com>, Chat NCDXC <chat at ncdxc.org>

Hi All,

I thought you might be interested in seeing this press release issued by 
Martti, OH2BH a few minutes ago.  If you need a Z6 QSO, the WPX Contest 
this weekend probably will be a good time to get one (or more!) in your log.

73 de Rusty, W6OAT
- - - - - -
Pristina, Kosovo, March.23, 2016

New IARU Society of Kosovo, Z60A will be active during this week & WPX

Vjollca Caka, Z61VB, president of the association announces that their
HQ station Z60A and other Kosovo prefixes, such as Z61DX, Driton, Z62FB,
Fehmi, Z63ESC, youth team, Z64EEF, University Club and Z68BH, Martti, 
six of them, will be active during this weekend’s WPX-SSB contest. This
on-the-air activity will be used as part of a training process for new 
Kosovar hams
while they prepare for the forthcoming IARU YOTA gathering in Austria along
with other European youth.

The association, SHRAK, is proud to have a new Yaesu/Acom station with
Force 12 beams hoisted high up the hills at the Technical University
of Pristina where their Z60A HQ is located. The association wishes to
express its gratitude to the ARRL Goodwill Fund, International DX
Association (INDEXA), Force 12, OH-DX-Foundation and to CDXC, the UK
DX Foundation, for their valuable support.

Martti, OH2BH will be there this week while Nigel, G3TXF will be there
in May, assisting SHRAK as well as activating Z60A in the respective
WPX SSB/CW contests.

Today marked a farewell meeting for David Meadows, Z63MED from the U.N.
fame who was the first foreigner who took the local Z6 license under the
SHRAK auspices and is now heading back to U.S. after three years of
service and 34.364 QSOs under his belt.

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