[Mldxcc] VK0EK Update 30 Mar 16

Rick WA6NHC wa6nhc at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 09:25:09 EDT 2016

"2016-03-30 09:31:32Z: Winds today have abated from last night, when 60 
kt winds were recorded aboard the Braveheart. This afternoon our team 
put up a 40 m delta loop and a 17 m vertical dipole array. These 
antennas are still undergoing evaluation and tuning, but we hope they 
will be on the air soon.

We have been having fun and keeping 5 stations on the air for the upper 
bands through the daytime hours. Our 40 m delta loop should allow us to 
have more stations on at night, helping to fulfill demand for SSB and RTTY.

At 0100z Thursday 3/31 (Wednesday night US), our own Dr. Bill Mitchell, 
AE0EE, will take over the @VK0EK twitter account for an hour to answer 
your questions about the birds, rocks, climate, and history of Heard 
Island, as well as comment on daily life here in the field. He will be 
using the hashtag #HeardQuestions."

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