[Mldxcc] Fwd: [NCDXC Chat] FYI: Tower maintenance

Rick WA6NHC wa6nhc at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 01:32:01 EDT 2016

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Subject: 	[NCDXC Chat] FYI: Tower maintenance
Date: 	Wed, 30 Mar 2016 20:10:27 -0700
From: 	DTucker423 via Chat <chat at ncdxc.org>
Reply-To: 	DTucker423 <dtucker423 at frontier.com>
To: 	wvdxc at yahoogroups.com, NCCC <nccc at contesting.com>, Norm NCDXC 
<chat at ncdxc.org>

FYI:  I recently had a problem on one of my towers that seemed like the 
rotor was failing and did not want to turn fully. After some heavy winds 
up here I suspected rotor damage.  It turned out ( no pun intended) that 
at the top of the US Tower crankups there is a 6 inch sleeve that the 
mast goes through.  In the sleeve  there are 2 square headed bolts that 
are used to lock down the mast when you are pulling the rotator out.     
  In investigating the problem, I found that one of the bolts had 
vibrated in and was gouging the mast, creating a friction point that 
impeded the rotor. I backed them out and secured them so they would not 
vibrate back in and it all worked fine.  Last night I noticed the same 
effect on another tower, and when I climbed it today I found the same 
problem.   Easy fix.

  If you have a similar tower you may want to check to see if your bolts 
are secured before you end up damaging your mast or rotor.

ka6bim at arrl.net <mailto:ka6bim at arrl.net>

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