[Mldxcc] [EDCARC] NPOTA Activation Sunday

Tyler Laursen tyler.laursen06 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 00:10:36 EDT 2016

Ill look for you on 20m phone! Have fun guys!

On Oct 22, 2016 6:49 PM, "'Dave Sanders' eprd2016 at pacbell.net [EDCARC]" <
EDCARC-noreply at yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Myself and Jordan WC6J will be activating TR15 and TR14 for National Parks
> on The Air (NPOTA) on Sunday October 23 from 1800-2100 UTC.
> We will be set up near Pollack Pines running 100w on 20m and 40m phone.
> Watch for our call sign(s) and frequency(s) on the spotting websites.
> Pony Express National Historic Trail National Historic Trail
> <http://www.nps.gov/poex/index.htm>
> Hope we log you!
> Dave Sanders K6KNS
> __._,_.___
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