[na-user] NA & OMNI VI?

Charles Shaw Charles Shaw <n5ul@wtaccess.com>
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 17:15:03 -0800

Hello All:

        I first began using NA with about Version 3 or 4 just for real-time
logging and CW keying.  Since we got into rig control,  I have tried later
versions on several occasions with my Omni V and currently with my Omni VI.
         This discussion applies only to rig control.  I'm not into 2-radio
yet, nor networking, nor Cluster connection, nor voice keyers.  I have never
been able to make NA work properly as advertised (emulating Icom).  This is
still true with Version 10.06 which I purchased not long ago.  All
combinations of settings (IRQ, Baud, Adr, etc.)(suggested or that I can
imagine) have been tried.  Using the same hardware and connections, I have
no trouble with CT.  Perhaps the connections should not be the same?  
        Before I go to the effort to get 10.13, can anyone lead me in the
correct path to make the program operate the Omni VI fully.  Or is this not
possible?  I can get most bandswitching, but not with total reliability.  I
get "out of contest band" notes regularly.  While tuning the Omni either
from its main dial or the remote knob, it often "sticks" on a
frequency--then "jumps" to where I stopped dialing.  The band map really
never works because of lack of frequency info.  There are other things I
don't recall now.  I short, although CT works great, NA (at this point) is
useless to me.  
        Unless there is something in the way of instruction that did not
come with the manual for NA 10.06, I don't think I'm missing anything--but
I've been wrong before!!
        Any detailed help would be welcome.  Thanks.

73,  Charles - N5UL - Hobbs, NM   (ex-KB5UL)

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