[na-user] NA 10.15 Improves Spots and Band Map

dap14@chrysler.com dap14@chrysler.com
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 13:47:16 -0500

     A new version of the NA contest logging program is now available
     on the LTA BBS.  The entire purpose for this release is to fix
     problems related to the ANNOUNCEMENTS WINDOW and BAND MAP.

     Bugs involving Band Map:

     - Band Map would crash if opened with no QSOs in log.

     - The 30 minute window for gathering data for the Band Map was
       beginning at the last QSO rather than starting from the
       current time.

     - Once a spot was encountered that was prior to the 30 minute
       window no further spots would checked for the Band Map.

     Once these bugs were corrected, there still seemed to be cases
     where spots would not appear that should have.  This was traced
     down to the fact that spots from PacketClusters contain
     frequency info only, not the mode, so NA must assume a mode for
     the spot.  Without going into great detail, assuming the spot to
     be on the current mode or else determining mode based on sub-
     bands were both found to still present problems.  These problems
     were intrinsic to whether the contest was single or dual mode,
     and more importantly, whether the operator had the MODES options
     in the SPOT FILTER CONTROL PANEL appropriately.

     After much thought and experimentation, it was decided to stop
     trying to guess the mode of the spot and to display spots based
     only on the frequency band.  The benefit of such an approach is
     that there is no longer a need for the spot filter mode options.
     The disadvantage is that you will see spots appear for both
     modes in the BAND MAP and ANNOUNCEMENT windows.  This seemed to
     be an appropriate tradeoff.

     Since the CURRENT MODE and IMPLY FROM SPOT options are no longer
     necessary, these have been removed from the SPOT FILTER CONTROL

     Thanks to the NA users, in particular Rich, K5WA, and John, K3CT
     for their observations about the ANNOUNCEMENT window and BAND MAP.

     73, Dave/K8CC and LTA

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