[na-user] config.exe and FT-890 (ver 10.13)

James Cullum jcullum@micron.com (James Cullum)
Wed, 15 Jan 97 09:25:58 MST

When running config.exe (ver 10.13) to setup the radio, if
FT-890 is selected it gets saved as a IC-725.  For example:

1.) Run config.exe
2.) Choose option F5
3.) Setup radio 1 and/or 2 as a FT-890
4.) Exit 
5.) Go back into F5 (or run NA) and the radio type is now IC-725

Assuming that I can get a fix for the config.exe program, I am
not sure that the FT-890 rig control is going to work.  That is
to say, I could never get version 9.12 to control the 890
correctly.  So if nothing has been changed since that version
(as far as the 890 rig control goes), it still won't work.
I have talked to other 890 owners that are having the same
problem as well.

Here are the specifics of my setup:

1. FT-890 with ver 1.21 firmware (latest release according to Yaesu)
2. MAX232 interface
3. Interface works fine with DX4WIN, TR, shareware CAT programs, etc.
4. Does not work with CT or NA
5. NA 9.12 symptoms
	a. Type in a frequency and the radio QSY's okay to any band.
	b. If radio is on any band except 160, 80 or 30
	   a "RADIO IS OUT OF CONTEST BANDS" message is displayed.
	c. Switching the radio between 80 and 160 will highlight
           the correct band in the score window.  Switching to 
	   any other band will give you an error (see b.).
	d. Switching NA between 160 and 80 (Alt-F1/2) will
	   switch the radio to the correct band.  Trying to
	   ALT-F1/2 to any other band will not change to radio.
	e. When on 160 or 80 it doesn't seem like the band
	   map is getting the correct frequency.

6. CT 9.23 symptoms (for reference) 
	a. With the radio enabled, anything typed takes about
           5 seconds (per character) to show up on the screen.
	b. Typing 14195 results in a 25 second delay to let
	   the letters show up on the screen and then the
 	   radio QSY's.
	c. The "Yaesu Radio Timeout" error message is constantly
	   displayed on the screen.
	d. Changing the radio to any band/mode/freq. does not
	   have any effect on the CT display.

I am not sure if it is a polling rate problem or what.  I am also
not ruling out that it could be a problem with my homebrew
interface;  Although it works fine with other programs.

Anyhow, let me know if anyone has any solutions.

Thanks for your help!

Jim...   K7MK

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