[na-user] UPDATE! - HELP! Getting multiple log files to a single one for reports

Mark Saunders Mark Saunders <tracker@dancris.com>
Thu, 03 Jul 1997 04:21:02 -0600

Thanks to all who offered suggestions and help.  I did find the NAU
program(s), but the resulting file from the utility to combine multiple
.QDF files was garbage.  So I set up our FD event with CT.  I'll be
ready with NA next year.

Our FD stations W7IO 3A AZ made 1114 QSOs with total points of 3,668.  I
personally made 374 CW contacts on 20m.  I may never be the same again. 
When I got home, I could swear I heard CW in almost every sound in the
house. HI HI.

Great Field Day!  Next year I'll be QRP.
Best regards,

Mark Saunders -- KJ7BS
Glendale, Arizona



FISTS # 2972    QRP-L # 1028

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