[na-user] UPDATE! - HELP! Getting multiple log files to a single one for reports

Bob Patten Bob Patten <n4bp@shadow.net>
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 15:53:45 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Mark Saunders wrote:

> Thanks to all who offered suggestions and help.  I did find the NAU
> program(s), but the resulting file from the utility to combine multiple
> .QDF files was garbage.  So I set up our FD event with CT.  I'll be
> ready with NA next year.
I wonder what went wrong?  I merged our HF and 6M logs using NAU and it 
worked perfectly.  First time I've had the opportunity to do it.  I'm 
using NA v10.19...

Bob Patten, N4BP                       Plantation, FL
n4bp@shadow.net                        http://www.shadow.net/~n4bp/n4bp.htm
Brass Pounder BBS  (954) 472-7715

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