[na-user]Lock Up on W9XT Card.

Hal Walchli Hal Walchli <estelle@nb.net>
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 22:55:50 -0500

I use the NA keyer on com1 , wired per na manual, and w9xt card on lpt2
address and it works ok for me in that configuration. On the rig
computer ( a slow 386-20) I am running na in DOS 6.22.  Haven't tried it
in any windows yet. I have another external keyer I have used in
parallel with the computer keyer lead but I don't have to use it aand
haven't for the last few contests.   I didn't mean to imply that Gary
did not give good service. I bought my card thru another supplier and it
arrived about a week before a contest. One of the mike plugs was a bad
manufacturing job and was cracked.  I sent an email to Gary and he
immediately shipped me both replacement plugs by first class mail and I
got them in time for the contest. I felt that was super service. I took
his lack of a reply concerning this voice loss problem as an indication
that  he did n't have a fix for the problem..  I don't know is if the
program is erasing the voice messages or if the silence means a memory
pointer isn't pointing to the messages and all we are hearing is 'the
unknown'. Do you know if NA fills all the message memory space with nuls
before or after a read or write ?  It appears that NA must read the CW
message (required in order to send) before the voice messages
disappear.   Hal W3TWI.

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