[na-user] CW Keyer problem

Sean Warner K0XQ Sean Warner K0XQ <k0xq@amsat.org>
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 22:15:31 +0000

Does anyone have an idea why the CW keyer in such Win95 programs such as Write Log v9.09 & DX4WIN v3.02 work flawlessly, but generate only a solid carrier with TR & NA? DX4WIN & WL claim to use the same pinout as the DOS loggers, & they are correct-but for some reason, I cannot get either TR or NA to send CW. This is an odd problem that has baffled me, & one I would like to get squared away-any suggestions and/or comments are welcome & appreciated.

My contest rig is a Yaesu FT-920, the computer is a Compaq Presario 4122 with a 150 MHz Pentium & 32 megs of RAM.

73 de K0XQ

Sean Warner

<bold><bigger><bigger><bigger>1999 MINNESOTA QSO QUEST


<bigger>1800 UTC 06 February 1999 to 

0600 UTC 07 February 1999


<bold><bigger>Sponsored by the Twin City FM Club


<italic>Co-Sponsored by:

Hamfest Minnesota 

TR Log Contest Software by N6TR

Radio City


Sven's All-U-Can-Eat Lutefisk & Lefse Barn

E-mail the TCFMC: w0ef@qsl.net

Sean Warner K0XQ: k0xq@amsat.org


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