[na-user] Downloads

Joe L Blackwell aa4nn@juno.com (Joe L Blackwell)
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 09:11:10 -0500

Hi All,
I feel kinda stupid, but over last few weeks have been trying to
download Country.dat from contesting.com/datom, using Juno
Web and Internet Explorer.
Click Country.dat and activity window indicates downloading,
then shows OPENING PAGE something I can't see, and the
processing bar proceeds slowly to the right and stops just
about where the last "t" is in Tom Pruett's name.  That's about
it, finally I get timed-out for no activity on the net.
I look around on the hard drive and Country.dat isn't to be found.
Any ideas, I mean, how complicated could this be?
de Joe, AA4NN

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