[na-user] New COUNTRY.DAT Busted

Bob Patten Bob Patten <n4bp@bc.seflin.org>
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 02:20:57 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 25 Oct 1998, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> The file was created INCORRECTLY from the master.  I eyeballed the master
> and can't find the typo but It must be there somewhere.  After the contest
> I'll take a look at it.
No big deal, Jim.  The contest log is intact and the COUNTRY.DAT could 
even be fixed after the end of the CQWW.  Probably took all of ten 
minutes to cut and paste a Canadian line from previous file...

				   ,'' '',
     Bob Patten, N4BP              ( 0 0 )               Plantation, FL 

                         E-Mail: n4bp@bc.seflin.org
              Web Page: http://wg104a.wh.uni-stuttgart.de/~n4bp
                     Brass Pounder BBS: (954) 472-7715       

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