[na-user] NA 10.26 and W9XT Card

David A. Pruett David A. Pruett" <k8cc@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 23:12:59 -0500

Pete, NN9K wrote:

>Hope it's operator error here, but I'm still losing the voice messages 
>after going to CW and returning to Phone in a contest like the ARRL 10 
>Have triple checked the configuration files and every thing else to no 

No, Pete its not your fault.

I discovered in while on my trip to Germany that this was the case.
The keyer code is a separate file called PC_KEYER which is maintained
separately.  When I first started work on 10.36 I had been making some
significant mods to this code for fixing the W9XT card problem, but also
to separate the sidetones for paddle and message keying.  When this did
not get finished completely, rather than risk sending buggy code to the
users we retained the old version when we built 10.36.  I meant to remove
the bug fix mention from NA.REV but forgot.

In any case, the new stuff is in 10.37 which was completed a couple nights
ago in a Stuttgart hotel.  Once I review any bug reports which came in 
while I was in DL-land, we'll have 10.37 up on the web site.

One additional feature that will be in 10.37 came from the fertile mind
of W4AN, called CONTEST BY HOUR.  This optional window appears where the
score window appears, and shows a quick breakdown of the Qs & mults worked
by hour for the last ten hours.  The way Bill puts it, this allows him to
break a long DX contest into fourty-eight mini one-hour contests to help
him focus his efforts.


Dave Pruett, K8CC
DATOM Engineering

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