[na-user] Re: [CQ-Contest] so2r switch box

Larry Crim Larry Crim" <k4ab@email.msn.com
Tue, 8 Aug 2000 21:12:38 -0500

>I know WX0B is planning to offer a SO2R box.  Although he claims NA
>compatibility, I've not seen any details.  Its likely this will be an
>expensive box - not that Jay is a crook, its just that low volume niche
>products like this are expensive to make.  While building your own takes
>time, there might be a lot of $$$ to save

I'm just glad that someone stepped up to plate and finally  did it.  I think
there *is* a market for this device. Perhaps, yes, not a huge
money-maker...But I, for one (as I've told before you Dave, when you were
here at this QTH) would be happy to pay the bucks to save the time.

 And  if Jay incorporates both a voice keyer and CW interface...what a hit!

Larry K4AB

-----Original Message-----
From: k8cc <k8cc@mediaone.net>
To: David Robbins <k1ttt@berkshire.net>; na-user@contesting.com
Date: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 19:54
Subject: [na-user] Re: [CQ-Contest] so2r switch box

>At 08:57 PM 8/7/00 +0100, David Robbins wrote:
>>does anyone make a so2r switch box like the schematic in the back of the
>>NA user
>There are plans afoot to be able to offer a bare PCB for the NA SO2R box.
>Long time readers of this reflector will scoff at this, because I've been
>saying this for over a year.  We had a small run (5 pieces) of boards back
>in 1997 which wound up going to W4AN, K3MM, N4AR, K9TM and K8CC (now at
>W8MJ).  The board worked perfectly - as W4AN said "You can't tell its in
>the line on your SSB signal".  However, it used chassis-mounted connectors
>which made for a lot of hand-wiring.  One goal of the new design is to use
>all PC-mount connectors which will speed up assembly time.
>K9TM and I have been brainstorming the new configuration, and have a new
>configuration going on paper.  Here are connectors we're thinking of:
>Function                                Connector
>-----------------------------------     ---------------
>Radio audio in, headphone audio out     1/8 mini stereo
>Radio PTT out, PTT in                   RCA phono
>Radio mic out, mic in                   1/8 mini mono
>Radio key out, key in                   RCA phono
>Paddle in                               1/4 stereo
>LPT in                                  ribbon cable to DB-25
>If anyone has any suggestions, now is the time.  Since I gave away my
>original box, I now have new impetus to make this project happen before the
>I know WX0B is planning to offer a SO2R box.  Although he claims NA
>compatibility, I've not seen any details.  Its likely this will be an
>expensive box - not that Jay is a crook, its just that low volume niche
>products like this are expensive to make.  While building your own takes
>time, there might be a lot of $$$ to save.
>Dave Pruett, K8CC
>DATOM Engineering
>Submissions:              na-user@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:  na-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
>WWW:                      http://datom.contesting.com/
>Questions:                owner-na-user@contesting.com

Submissions:              na-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  na-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW:                      http://datom.contesting.com/
Questions:                owner-na-user@contesting.com