[NA-User] Names displaying with NA
Dave Pruett
Sun, 06 Jan 2002 13:33:21 -0500
ASCII files will not work as a .DTA database. If I changed NA so that it
would (a monumental task), expect a response time of about 30 seconds
between keystrokes.
Shoot a note to Tim, K9TM at k9tm@buckeye-express.com. Tim has the
software to generate .DTA files correctly. The ASCII list you described
ought to be able to import directly into the tools.
I've copied this note to Tim so he won't be blindsided.
At 01:38 PM 1/6/02 +0000, G3SJJ wrote:
>I have made up a database of FOC calls and names using the following
>- ASCII file called FOCNAMES.DTA
>- Character limit of 12 bytes. The only callsign which would go over that
>be W4/G4BUECHRIS, so I would use shorten the name to CHRI.
>- One set of characters per line
>- In alphabetical order, BUT number calls first ie 4X4, 5B4, 9A, then A45,
>I have run NA, selecting Autocheck and Calldatabase, selecting FOCNAMES.DTA
>It doesn't work.
>Questions :
>- Should the number calls be at the end?
>- Is an ASCII file ok. I note MASTER.DTA is a binary file
>- I haven't put W4/G4BUE in yet, but where would it go? Before the first W4?
>- Should I have a . at the end of each set of characters?
>Any thoughts, Chris G3SJJ
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