[NA-User] Dave Pruett Appreciation Day - April 19

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Apr 18 13:44:43 EDT 2003

Any comments to this reflector on how well Dave Pruett, K8CC, has supported 
NA and its users over the years clearly fall into the category of preaching 
to the choir.

Short sermon: We all know it's been great!

One of Dave's other efforts in recent years is as founder (in its current 
form), chairman, web site guru, and active participant in the Michigan QSO 

The Michigan QSO Party is this Saturday, April 19, from 1600z to 0400z on 
April 20.  That's noon to midnight Saturday, EDT. Full MiQP information is 
available at   <A HREF="www.miqp.org">www.miqp.org</A>

Dave will again be out on the road in the MiQP as K8CC/m, finishing off a 5 
year project of operating the MiQP from all 83 of Michigan's counties.

Show you appreciation for Dave and all the support he has given to NA and its 
users over the years by getting on the air for the MiQP.  And of course, NA 
does support the MiQP!

(NA tip:  type "OPTIONS" and select "QTH MUST MATCH FOR DUPE". Then when you 
type K8CC, although the QTH info from the last qso with K8CC will pop up, as 
soon as you enter new data the dupe message will clear, and the new QSO will 
be properly credited.)

Dave, the highly ethical person he is, would not be comfortable if he was to 
win by virtue of NA users getting on to work him to the exclusion of others.  
So in addition to working K8CC, spend some time and work as many other 
Michigan stations as you can.

We expect at least seven serious mobile teams, including K8CC/m, on the road, 
covering all 83 of Michigan's counties.  There will be many multiop and 
portable county expeditions, and lots of just plain folks on from home.  
Bottom line: it should be a real fun contest, in a quick 12 hour format that 
will leave you all day Sunday to enjoy Easter.

I hope you'll celebrate Dave Pruett Appreciation Day by getting on the air 
and having some fun yourself in the Michigan QSO Party.  See you Saturday!

73  -  Jim   K8MR  


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