[NCC] 97 WW SSB expeditions

Scott Jones sjones@sygnet.com
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 11:00:32 -0400

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Here is a similar, but slightly different list of expeditions I
created.  This does not have QSL managers.  Good luck everyone.  See you
on the bands.

73 - Scott, N3RA

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 Fri, 23 Oct 1998 11:00:49 -0400
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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 10:58:46 -0400
From: Scott Jones <sjones@sygnet.com>
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Prefix            Call        Prefix    Call
3W    3W6US          J6    J69AZ
3W    XV1Z           JT    JT1BG
4L    4L5O - 80      JT    JT1BV
4S    4S7AHG         JT    JT1CC
4U1V  4U1VIC         JT    JT1JA
4X    4X/K5ZD        JT    JT1T
5B    5B4/EW1AR      JT    JT7AA
5B    5B4AGC         JY    JY9QJ
5B    NP3D/5B4       K     K3LR
5B4   C4A            K     K8AZ
8P    8P9JL          KH2   AH2R
8Q    8Q7IO          KH6   N7FL/KH6
8R    8R1K           KH6   NH7A
9G    9G1BJ - 10     KP2   WP2Z
9G    9G1YR - 15     KP4   KP3Z
9G    9G5BQ          KP4   WP3A
9J    9J2A           LU    LR0H
9M6   9M6AAC         LX    LX2LX
9M6   9M8R           OH0   OH0AW
9N    9N7RW          P4    P40B
9Y    9Y4NW          P4    P40N - 15
A3    A35XU          P4    P40W
A4    A45ZN          P4    P40Z - 10
A6    A61AC          P4    P43A - 15
BY    B1A            P4    P43E
BY    B4R            P4    P43T
C5    C56T           P4    P43W - 15
C6A   C6A/KI6T       PJ2   PJ9B
CE    XR3M           PJ2   PJ9Q
CN    CN2NG          PJ7   PJ7/W4WR
CN    CN8WW          PJ7   PJ8Z
CP    CP6AA          PY    PT2VE
CT3   CQ9K           PY    PV2E
CU    CU2V           PY0F  PT0F
CX    CV1A           S9    S92A
CX    CX5X - 10      SV    SV8CS
DU    DX100DX        T32   T32MP
DU    K9AW/DU6       T8    T88X
E3    E31AA          TF    TF8GX
EA8   EA8AH          UA0   RS0F
EA8   EA8ZS          V2    V26B
EA9   EA9AM          V3    V31MX
EA9   EA9EA          V4    V47KP
EL    EL2VO          V4    V47NS
FG    FG5BG          V8    V8A
FK    FK8GM - 15     VE    VA2BY - 80
FK    FK8HC - 10     VE    VA2DO - 160
FM    TO8B           VE    VE3RHJ/2
FO    FO0PT          VE    VE3EJ
FR/G  FR5ZU/G        VE    VO2CQ
FS    FS/K7ZUM       VP2E  VP2EJR
FS    FS/N7KG - 160        VP2V    VP2V/IK1EDC
G     M8T            VP2V  VP2V/K7AR
HC    DL2YAK         VP5   VP5DX
HC8   HC8A           VP5   VP5T
HI    DK8YY/HI8      VP9   VP9/US1I
HI    HI3/ON4ANT     VR2   VR2KF
HK0   HK0???         VU    VU2JNA
HL    HL5/JI6KVR     XW    XW8KPL
HP    3E1DX          XX    XX9X
HP    HO3A           YB    YB0DX - 80
HR    HR1ERL         YB    YE5B
HR    VE3BW/HR6      YJ    YJ0???
HS    E22AAD         ZB    ZB2X
HS    HS0AC          ZD8   ZD8Z
HZ    HZ1AB          ZF    ZF1A
I     IH9/OL5Y       ZF    ZF2JI
I     IH9P           ZF    ZF2NT
I/AF  IG9T           ZK/S  ZK1OOY
IT9   IQ9A           ZK3   ZK3RW
J3    J3A            ZL    ZM2K
J6    J6/K3LP        ZP    ZP5XF - 15



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