[NCC] [Fwd: [ The Daily DX ] CQ World Wide SSB DX Contest Calendar]

Scott Jones sjones@sygnet.com
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 10:39:21 -0400

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Thought this would be useful to all of you.  I will send another version
without QSL managers.

Good luck!

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Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 05:50:53 +0100
From: "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <bernie@dailydx.com>
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Subject: [ The Daily DX ] CQ World Wide SSB DX Contest Calendar
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The following is the CQ World Wide SSB DX Contest Calendar by The Daily
Information was obtained from the following sources:  425 DX News, DX
News Letter, DX News Sheet, DX Press, EADX, Les Nouvelles DX, LYNX DX
Bulletin, NG3K, OPDX, QRZ DX, The Daily DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The
First Portugal DX Bulletin and others.  This information may be freely
printed and or forwarded by e-mail to any DXer or Contester in its
entirety.  The Daily DX home page is located at http://dailydx.com  Good
luck this weekend!  de Bernie, W3UR, editor of The Daily DX.

                     TDDX                                  TDDX
                     Ref.                                  Ref.
Prefix Call          Vol-No QSL        Prefix Call         Vol-No QSL
3W     3W6US         2-195  N2OO       J6     J69AZ               J69AZ
3W     XV1Z          2-185             JT     JT1BG        2-199  JT1BG
4L     4L5O - 80                       JT     JT1BV        2-199  JT1BV
4S     4S7AHG        2-187  JA4AHV     JT     JT1CC        2-199  JT1CC
4U1V   4U1VIC               DL5IO      JT     JT1JA        2-199  JT1JA
4X     4X/K5ZD       2-191             JT     JT1T         2-199  JT1KAA
5B     5B4/EW1AR     2-196  NP3D       JT     JT7AA        2-199  JT7AA
5B     5B4AGC        2-199  5B4AGC     JY     JY9QJ               DL5MBY
5B     NP3D/5B4      2-196  W3HNK      KH2    AH2R         2-191  JI3ERV
5B4    C4A                  9A2AJ      KH6    N7FL/KH6            N7FL
8P     8P9JL                W3HC       KH6    NH7A                N2AU
8Q     8Q7IO         2-160  DL7VRO     KP2    WP2Z         2-159  KU9C
8R     8R1K                 OH6DO      KP4    KP3Z                KP3Z
9G     9G5BQ         2-188  PA3GBQ     KP4    WP3A                WP3A
9J     9J2A          2-176  JARL       LU     LR0H         2-198  LU9HS
9M6    9M6AAC        2-187  N2OO       LX     LX2LX               LX1NO
9M6    9M8R                 W7EJ       OH0    OH0AW               OH1EH
9N     9N7RW         2-179  G4ERW      P4     P40B         2-186  P43P
9Y     9Y4NW         2-168  DL4MDO     P4     P40N - 15           WJ5DX
A3     A35XU         2-143  PA3AXU     P4     P40W                N2MM
A4     A45ZN         2-200  A45ZN      P4     P40Z - 10           WA5VZE
A6     A61AC         2-196  ON7LX      P4     P43A - 15
BY     B1A                  KU9C       P4     P43E
BY     B4R           2-191  BY4RSA     P4     P43T
C5     C56T          2-153  DL5NAM     P4     P43W - 15
C6A    C6A/KI6T      2-182  KI6T       PJ2    PJ9B                K2SB
CE     XR3M                 OH6MFN     PJ2    PJ9Q         2-149
CN     CN2NG         2-174  OE8GNK     PJ7    PJ7/W4WR     2-190  W4WR
CN     CN8WW         2-174  DL6FBL     PJ7    PJ8Z         2-186  K4ZA
CP     CP6AA         2-199  OH0XX      PY     PT2VE        2-180  PY2YW
CT3    CQ9K          2-197  CS3MAD     PY     PV2E         2-174  PY2YW
CU     CU2V                 DL4XS      PY0F   PT0F         2-198  N5FA
CX     CV1A                 F1NGP      S9     S92A         2-199  NJ2D
CX     CX5X - 10     2-194  W3HNK      SV     SV8CS               SV8CS
DU     DX100DX       2-194             T32    T32MP        2-172  K0MP
DU     K9AW/DU6      2-198  WF5T       T8     T88X         2-199
E3     E31AA                ZL3CW      UA0    RS0F         2-198  W3HNK
EA8    EA8AH                           V2     V26B         2-167  WT3Q
EA8    EA8ZS                EA8ZS      V3     V31MX        2-134  K0BCN
EA9    EA9AM                EA9IE      V4     V47KP               K2SB
EA9    EA9EA         2-199  W3HNK      V4     V47NS        2-180  W9NY
EL     EL2VO         2-185  EI5GIY     V8     V8A                 JH7FQK
FG     FG5BG         2-175  K6RO       VE     VA2BY - 80   2-190  VE3BY
FK     FK8GM - 15           WB2RAJ     VE     VA2DO - 160  2-190  VE3DO
FK     FK8HC - 10    2-194  VK4FW      VE     VE3RHJ/2     2-190  VE3RHJ
FM     TO8B          2-156  EA3BT      VE     VO2CQ        2-180  VE3FU
FO     FO0PT         2-172  DJ0FX      VP2E   VP2EJR       2-191  W1EK
FR/G   FR5ZU/G       2-187  VE2NW      VP2V   VP2V/IK1EDC  2-190
FS     FS/K7ZUM      2-143  K7ZUM      VP2V   VP2V/K7AR    2-153  K7AR
FS     FS/N7KG - 160 2-143  N7KG       VP5    VP5DX        2-179  K4UTE
HC     DL2YAK        2-112             VP5    VP5T         2-190  N2VW
HC8    HC8A                 WV7Y       VR2    VR2KF        2-198
HI     DK8YY/HI8     2-192  DL4JAN     VU     VU2JNA       2-199
HL     HL5/JI6KVR    2-157             XW     XW8KPL       2-197
HP     3E1DX         2-187  N0JT       XX     XX9X                KU9C
HP     HO3A                 HP3XUG     YB     YB0DX - 80   2-198  YB0DX
HR     HR1ERL                          YB     YE5B         2-194  YC5TML
HR     VE3BW/HR6     2-170  VE3RHJ     YJ     YJ0???       2-191  JA3JA
HS     E22AAD        2-198  JA6LCJ     ZB     ZB2X                OH2KI
HS     HS0AC         2-199  G3NOM      ZD8    ZD8Z                VE3HO
HZ     HZ1AB         2-198  K8PYD      ZF     ZF1A         2-180
I      IH9/OL5Y             OK1VK      ZF     ZF2JI               KG6AR
I      IH9P          2-197  WA7EQW     ZF     ZF2NT               N2AU
I/AF   IG9T          2-197             ZK/S   ZK1OOY       2-165  KF8OY
IT9    IQ9A                 IT9AJP     ZK3    ZK3RW        2-177  ZL1AMO
J3     J3A                  WA8LOW     ZL     ZM2K
J6     J6/K3LP       2-193  K3SX       ZP     ZP5XF - 15          N2AU

Bernie McClenny, W3UR (ex WR3E, WB3JRU)
Editor of The Daily DX
Editor of How's DX?
3025 Hobbs Road
Glenwood, MD 21738
Fax 301-854-5105

Distributed by WDN - http://www.wdn.com
Copyright 1998 to date, The DailyDX


Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com